Welcome ICLW

This is my first time signing up for International Comment Leaving Week. I am sure that I’ll discover some amazing blogs and I hope that I’ll gain a few new followers.

This week has been a tough one for me. I felt like I was in a really negative space and jealousy was oozing out of my pores. I do have depression, so sometimes I just get in funks for no good reason at all. I think my negative mood can be attributed partially to that. I also think that my depression and the tendency to ruminate, which is inherent in depression, were exacerbating my frustrating with TTC. I found myself to be extremely irritable this week. J was getting on my nerves and I was on edge with every comment of his. Poor guy was probably walking on eggshells because I’m sure I wasn’t doing as good a job at hiding my irritation as I thought I was. I was also feeling very irritated with my boss and I even felt angry at her for slights against my coworkers. A lot of my irritations at work had to do with the principal of the matter and I was probably getting pissed off for the sake of being pissed off, at times. I found myself jealous over my friends’ happiness. In reality I don’t begrudge them anything, but I had already dug myself into such a negative hole that their milestones (first birthdays, facebook announcements, ultrasounds) felt like heavy reminders of what I’m missing.

Today, I had acupuncture. The acupuncturist asked me how I was feeling and I mentioned that I had 2WW symptoms even though it’s my follicular phase. In particular, my breasts were sore. The acupuncturist found this interesting and asked me if I had been irritable. With that simple question and the fact that she seemed to be offering a sympathetic, experienced ear, the flood gates opened. I tried to keep my voice from quivering and I thought she likely didn’t notice the tears starting to flow from the corners of my eyes, but then she handed me a tissue and said that’s why they keep some in the room. I didn’t let myself cry long because I wanted to try my best to be in the moment during the acupuncture (I’m not so good at staying in the moment, so effort is required). It felt good though, to let some of it out, and now I feel ready to move on and let go. I’m sure there will be more of these “funks” if I don’t conceive soon, but for now I’m going to try to get back in to positive, hopeful mode.



I look up all this information online and sometimes it comforts me and sometimes it scares me. Yesterday I read a forum post about endometriosis and it seemed like everyone had been trying for years, tried multiple treatments, and still weren’t pregnant. Although I know someone who got pregnant 2 months after having her endometriosis treated, I got scared that these other stories were more of the norm. The reason this scares me so much is because I have reason to believe that I have endometriosis. I ended up feeling really blah last night and even crying a little bit when it was time to go to sleep. I am so hopeful for our upcoming RE appointment and I am expecting our experience with the fertility clinic to shed light on our issues and solve them. But what if it still takes years?! I don’t know if I can handle that. I know that I can never stop trying to have a child in one way or another, but the pain, stress, anxiety, depression, anger, and crushed hope that I have experienced in the past year have been so hard to deal with already. I’m sure that the longer our struggle to have a child continues, the harder these feelings will be to take.


And the winners are . . .

AF and BFN! Fuck.

I had hope this month and hope turned into the belief that I was pregnant. I really believed that my period would be late, and it was. And then I believed that I would see a positive pregnancy test, and I didn’t. I even held my hand on my belly and talked to my little nugget (aka figment of my imagination) throughout the latter days of my cycle, telling it to hold on.

Here are the symptoms I had this month that are pretty common for me:

  • Cramps (nothing major, but noticeable throughout my cycle)
  • Headaches (I have noticed these during the 2WW since I stopped birth control)
  • Nausea so mild that I wasn’t sure if I was just imagining it (it could also be from post-nasal drip)
  • Heartburn
  • Sore shoulders, neck, and back (but they seemed worse this month, I swear)
  • Fatigue (story of my life)
  • Twinges over where I think my ovaries are (they kind of alternated sides though)
  • Sensitive nipples during 2WW
  • Cried easily (pretty typical)
  • Gas (I fart and burp a lot in my opinion)
  • Bloating

Here are some extras that had me thinking that cycle 9 was the cycle:

  • Fluttery-type contractions in my stomach around day 10 and day 18 – my acupuncturist thought I might be ovulating when I saw her on CD15 (earlier than normal, which was the 1st goal) – a positive OPK on CD20 suggests otherwise
  • Boobs were sorer than usual
  • Boobs seemed a bit bigger/fuller too
  • It seemed like my aerolas got bigger and maybe darker
  • My tuna tasted funny one lunch and then I noticed a metallic taste throughout the day and several other days
  • My gums seemed more sensitive
  • Tugging feeling in my belly
  • Weird dream
  • Dry mouth/extra thirsty
  • Sudden warming sensation up the inside of my left calf a few times
  • Cold symptoms (e.g., sore throat, runny nose, post-nasal drip) – but I do have alergies and my coworker (who I share an office with) had a bad cold
  • Peeing more often (see thirst comment, could explain it)
  • Extra cm on CD 31
  • A penny-sized spot of pink on the toilet paper on CD24 (this was the big one for me – I assumed/hoped it was implantation bleeding)

I told the acupuncturist about some of the symptoms and the “implantation bleeding” (I have never spotted other than a bit at the start of my period or for the last couple days at the end of my period, but never mid cycle) and she seemed really hopeful. She even said she wouldn’t mix up the herbs I am supposed to take during my period because she didn’t know that I would need them and she thought it might be a bad idea to mix them up. I think she thought I was pregnant too. I didn’t tell anyone else because I didn’t want to jinx it.

On CD27 I took a pregnancy test. Actually I took two. I bought a bunch of cheap ones from http://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com – the ones I got are supposed to be super sensitive (10 miu/ml HCG sensitivity). I also had a free 20 miu/ml HCG sensitivity one from when I ordered preseed from the same company. I had read on their site that the 20 miu ones have better customer feedback than the 10 miu ones. So even though the 10 miu are supposedly more sensitive, they may be less accurate. However, looking into it even further, it seems that enough people found inaccuracies with both types of test strips. Several people stated that the tests are only good for confirming a pregnancy, as they didn’t get a positive with them until they had already had a positive test result using a different brand. Not everyone had that experience, but it was enough to make me doubt the two BFNs that stared back at me. It also could have been too early to test.

I was positively gleeful on CD 32 when I was officially late. I have consistently had a 28-30 day cycle for the last 8 cycles. When I first stopped BCP I had a 35 day cycle. The next was a 33 day cycle, followed by a 29 day cycle and a 31 day cycle. So I haven’t had a 31 day cycle in 8 months and I figured that a 31 day cycle at this point was a very good sign. So on the morning of CD32, I took a First Response Early Results test. This test is supposed to be top on the market. I got a BFN. I was discouraged, but I still held out some hope. After all, my friend Andree had a negative blood test at 4 weeks pregnant and she didn’t know she was pregnant until another blood test was run at 6 weeks. I also read about many other people who didn’t know until 5, 6, 8, 11, or 13 weeks. I even read about people who were getting negative urine and blood tests when they were 6 months pregnant and very clearly with child. All of these scenarios are reportedly statistically rare, but if you get a big enough sample size even 4% (urine tests are found to be 96% accurate in clinical studies, when used properly) is a sizeable group to pin your hope on.

Yesterday was weird. (TMI warning: read no further if you can’t stand discussions of cervical mucus). I went to the bathroom at one point and had cause to push. I noticed some reddish-brown discharge in the toilet (not poop). Later, I went again and when I wiped there was a kind of creamy/slightly yellow, slightly stretchy, snot-like discharge. Then later, there was blood-tinged ewcm, followed by another wipe that produced clear ewcm, followed by another wipe that produced nothing. I was of course consulting Dr. Google and found some info supporting these kinds of discharge in early pregnancy and some info suggesting it meant AF was coming. Well, at about 9 pm, that damn witch came. I wiped and saw blood. Unmistakable, bright red blood. But it was just one wipe. J and I watched a couple episodes of Breaking Bad up in bed and when I went to the bathroom again, there was more blood. I couldn’t deny it anymore.

I ended up crying and J did the best thing he could. He hugged me, rubbed my back, kissed my shoulder, and told me he was sorry. Then I sucked up some strength, for both of our sakes, and said, “We’ll get there.” He replied, “Yes, we will.”


Self-Directed Ageism

Back in 1982, when parents conceived me, my mother was 32. By the time she gave birth in 1983, she was 33. She was referred to as a “geriatric pregnancy”. Nowadays, more and more people are having kids in their 30s and 40s, but terms like geriatric pregnancy and advanced maternal age still get thrown around. There is some justifiable reason for this: health risks increase with age and infertility is more common. In fact, fertility drastically lowers after 35. I had always planned/expected to have one baby before 30. Back when I was a preteen/young teen, I even told my mother that if I wasn’t married by 30, I would have a child anyway. Last night, when trying to fall asleep, I realized that if I am not pregnant by December, I will turn 30 before I have a baby. Obviously having a child (regardless of my age) is more important than my somewhat silly self-imposed deadline and if I were to be pregnant by my 30th birthday, I doubt I’ll care that I’m turning 30, but still, I felt a bit panicked. I originally thought I’d get pregnant at 28 and have the baby before my 29th birthday. I just feel like time is slipping away and I worry about the increased fertility issues that come along with age (especially for baby #2 because who knows how old I’ll be by then) and also about having the energy to keep up with my kids. I’m not a particularly energetic person as it is and I want to be a very active mom, so hopefully age won’t hold me back at all. From my mother’s own experiences of being a “geriatric” mother (hardly old by today’s societal – if not medical – standards), she advised me to have kids earlier . . . . so much for that!


The “When-If” Battle

Do you ever catch yourself saying statements like “When I am pregnant . . . “, “When we have a baby . . . “, “When we have kids . . . ” and then switch the “when” to an “if”. It kills me inside, but I constantly find that I do it. I think I started doing it because I didn’t want to jinx anything (for all my science nerdism, I fall prey to superstitions). I didn’t want to say “when” like it was a given, but saying “if” makes me sad and when J once said “if” I just about took his head off. Now it has become a reflex to change the “when” to “if” and I don’t like it. I am trying to think more positively and let hope back into TTC, so I need to start using “when” again. However, when I try, there’s this really annoying little voice in my head that says, “but what if it doesn’t happen?” I guess I am scared that thinking in terms of “when” will only set me up for more disappointment.